
洛可小城蓓凡‖輕奢貴族點滴夢想曼麗菲斯 當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 品牌展示 > 曼麗菲斯


上個世紀六十年代,Giuliano Magni 在普拉托的一間小工廠里出產(chǎn)出第一張床墊,一場床墊業(yè)的變革拉開了序幕。普拉托是國際知名的紡織產(chǎn)業(yè)區(qū),精湛的技藝再加上人們對睡眠質(zhì)量和健康的日益重視,促使產(chǎn)品不斷提升。




In 1960’s, Giuliano Magni made the first mattress in a small plant in Prato, opening the prelude of mattress industry change. Prato is a world well-renown textile region, so their outstanding skills and people’s increasing attention to sleep quality and health drive the constant increase of products.

Since then, we have launched a variety of solutions and designs of mattresses in order to meet people’s demand for leisure, health and comfortable sleep. Over 1000 million consumers have enjoyed high-quality sleeping.

Magniflex becomes the synonym of comfort and health with years of effort. Our staff dedicate to study and research hardly and dare to make innovation in order to provide clients with more and more new products.

With over-fifty-year experience and investment in significant study, design and development of pioneering production system, we have fulfilled the achievement today.

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